Certified Arborists proudly serving both residential and commercial tree and landscape needs. Michael's Tree & Loader Service is committed to giving you top quality service at the best price!
Keep Your Trees Healthy and Beautiful !


Free Tree Inspection by ISA Certified Arborists
"Thank you for such a professional and efficient crew. They explained each step through the process, arrived on time, and worked to satisfy the neighbor as well. They were finished before noon and left a clean work site.” –Memphis resident

"I was amazed at the clean up your guys did! Couldn't believe there was no mess after such a huge tree coming down. Thank you for the pride you all have in your work! I will definitely be recommending Michael's Tree & Loader Service to everyone. Thanks again!" - Arlington resident
Thank you for such a professional and efficient crew. They explained each step through the process, arrived on time, and worked to satisfy the neighbor as well. They were finished before noon and left a clean work site.” –Memphis resident
Just wanted to say thank you for your ‘can do’ spirit. During your busy time your crew came through when I needed a downed pine removed to meet my home refinancing closing date. They were wonderful and did a great job!!! Thank you again. I will always call Michael’s Tree and Loader Service and recommend you highly.” –Germantown resident

3800 Knight Arnold Rd. Memphis, TN. 38118
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