Eight in ten Americans say economy is at the top of their mind in the midterms

A new poll shows 83% of Americans say that the economy is either an extremely or very important issue in determining how they will vote in the 2022 midterms
61%, 71% and 72% of respondents respectively disapprove of Biden's handling of economic recovery, inflation and gas prices
Voters say that economic issues are their top priority heading into the 2022 midterm elections as only 37 percent say they approve of how President Joe Biden is handling economic recovery – and even less approve of gas prices and inflation.
A whopping 83 percent of Americans say that the economy is either an extremely or very important issue in determining how they will vote, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll published on Sunday.
When it comes to inflation, only 28 percent of Americans approve of Biden's handling of the issue compared to the 71 percent who disapprove.

The survey, taken among 542 American adults on June 3-4, shows Biden underwater is every area related to the economy.
Of those polled, 80 percent say that inflation is either an extremely or very important factor in how they will cast their ballot in the 2022 midterms, where predictions already show a Republican bloodbath. When it comes to gas prices, 74 percent say the issue will be at the top of their mind when they vote.
When it comes to economic issues, Biden scores the worst on gas prices, which have reached a national average of $4.84 per gallon as of Sunday.
Seventy-two percent of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of gas prices – as the administration continues to call it the 'Putin gas hike,' and places the blame on the conflict in Eastern Europe.
Only 27 percent of Americans approve of how Biden is handling gas prices.
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